April 25, 2012

Essie-Orange, It's Obvious!

And now for the other bright orange that came out during the spring. Orange, It's Obvious! is a bright orange creme. There's nothing else really to say about this. That description summed it up completely.
Now, this is pretty much a dupe for one I've worn already, OPI A Role in the Hague. You don't need both. If you have the OPI then stick with it. If you have the Essie then stick with that. But since I have both I have to say, I prefer the OPI one. While both didn't have the most amazing formulas in the world, the drying time was much quicker with that one. Plus, I think I could have got away with one coat. With O,IO I needed two and probably should have done three just to even things out. This didn't level itself at all.
With that said, I like it. I love me a good orange creme. It's as obnoxious of an orange as the OPI and I LOVE that about this polish. Plus I like the fact that this is more readily available than the OPI since this is sold in drugstores. But if you asked me to choose I'd pick Hague. But either will do really.


  1. Wow, what a nice orange! I don't have any of the two shades so I'll have to get OPI's. :)

    1. Yep, I say get the OPI. But if Essie last longer on you than get the Essie. I guess it's just which one is more convenient for you.

      Thanks for the comment!

  2. Orange looks so good on you! Now you know you don't need both of these polishes, so you should just send me the Essie! LOL
