December 11, 2011

Cult Nails-Tied Up

So I haven't done a post since November 26. Holy crap. I'm so sorry about that you guys. Right after Thanksgiving til now I've been obsessed with all the papers and exams I had for the end of the semester. When I said that professors liked to assign everything right before Thanksgiving I wasn't lying. But they also like to get in everything they wasn't able to the entire semester right before the end of it. Muy frustrating. But I digress. Anyways, everything is done and I should be doing better with the nail painting again. :)

Tied Up was a limited edition polish Maria was offering during her Black Friday sale. She had about 100 bottles of several polishes that didn't/haven't made it to her final line for whatever reason and Tied Up was one of them. I don't know why this hasn't because this polish is awesome. My pictures don't show this polish all that well. In person it's a dusty medium blue creme. This is two coats, and the first coat went on a bit streaky, but evened well with the second.
Indoors, artificial light
Tied Up dried really well too. I think a bit quicker than most Cult Nails polishes. There's not much more to talk about with this polish. It's a beautiful dusty medium blue creme. I LOVE blue nail polish (as I've stated before) so I'm very happy to welcome this into my collection. I'm glad I got it before it sold out. Considering I've been in naked nails mode since my last post (really, I hadn't even put on a base coat in about a week and a half) this feels like putting on a sexy blue dress. On my nails. Or something like that.
Indoors, artificial light


  1. I got this one too! I'm telling you girl, we have the same polish style!

  2. Haha! I only got that and the blue jelly. Trying to keep my spending down this season.
