10 to Midnight is a charcoal grey holo. I'm trying to think, are there other grey holos out there? Not ones that aren't quite black, but truly grey? I'm drawing a blank but anyway. When you're not underneath a light source or in the sun the polish looks like a true grey. If you like dark greys then you'll love that little part of it. The holo is pretty strong, but I expected that from a Glitter Gal polish.
non-dominant hand. how horrible is this picture? but i think the holo effect is stronger here |
I really like this! Not as much as Lizard Belly, but honestly I don't know if I'll find a holo I like more than that one. When I bought this it was a LE, but I have no idea if that's still the case. I bought this from Llarowe, but I'm pretty sure y'all knew that already.
I think it's a beautiful holo!
ReplyDeleteyeah, it really is a beautiful polish. :)
DeleteThanks for the comment.